Natural Foot Scrub To Get Your Feet Summer Ready!!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

There is warmth in the air…here comes Spring!! It is the time of year to stop neglecting my feet. There is a reason they teach you in the military to care so well for your feet…it’s because they are vital aspects of our body! They carry us everywhere we go! It’s only proper that we spend some time caring for them once in a while and especially now that they are visible to the world with sandal season upon us!! I want to share with you how I get my feet in fabulous condition with only natural, non-toxic solutions!

This is an incredible warm foot scrub that also has fantastic benefits for health of the skin on our feet and our nail beds! Peppermint essential oil when therapeutic grade is known for its rejuvenating, cooling and cleansing properties that can improve the warmth and cleanse the skin. Melaleuca essential oil is widely used for its deodorizing and cleansing properties and is fantastic to promote nail health. The epsom salt in this recipe breaks down into magnesium and is hypothesized to promote relaxation of the muscles as well as acting as a rougher exfoliant for dead skin. The jojoba oil and honey in this recipe are extremely soothing to the skin and serve to soften rough areas. Remember our feet have so many nerve endings and pressure points and taking good care of them is vital to our health. Keeping the skin soft on our feet allows us to use this area to put essential oils and other oils as in the recipe and retains our ability for our skin to soak up these nutrients!

Things You Will Need

  • Epsom Salts (make sure no other ingredients such as “fragrance”)
  • Jojoba oil ( I prefer organic)
  • Raw Organic Honey
  • Peppermint Essential Oil (we prefer doTERRA)
  • Melaleuca Essential Oil (we prefer doTERRA)
  • Two large hand towels
  • BPA free plastic wrap
  • Large basin for post scrub warm water feet bath or do this in
    your bathtub so you can soak your feet after

Recipe & Instructions

  • 1/2 cup epsom salts
  • 1/3 cup organic jojoba oil
  • 2 tbsp raw, organic honey
  • 8 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 8 drops melaleuca essential oil

In a small bowl first add the jojoba oil and essential oils and mix with a metal spoon. Then add the honey and epsom salts and mix until well combined.

Then wet two hand towels and place them in the microwave for one minute. Remove them carefully and add to a bowl.

Then I like to grab my plastic wrap and head to the bathroom. In your tub or shower begin to rub the epsom essential oil scrub all over your feet and above your ankles making sure to take the time to exfoliate the skin a bit. Once you have the area covered with the mixture then take the plastic wrap and wrap your feet and ankles.

Then take your warm towels and cover each foot. Take fifteen minutes and just relax letting the ingredients soak into your skin. Once you are done with this part or when the towels become cold.

Remove the towels and wrap and then soak your feet in a basin of warm water for another ten minutes!! Amazing, relaxing and healing!

An alternative to the plastic wrap would be to use the re-usable food wraps such as Beeswax wraps that we love in our home! A great idea to do for yourself, with your kids or to throw a little love to your partner!

Bring on the sandal weather!

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